Monday, March 31, 2014

MP3 REVIEW: Scammers “Cover You” (Field Hymns)

            I first saw the name Scammers because I was searching for cassettes on Band Camp, found a label called Jehu and China Man and then saw their newest release at the time was by Scammers and, well, the physical tape had already sold out.   Needless to say, I came into this Scammers tape from Field Hymns with great expectations, but it is also worth noting that Scammers has had tapes released on other prominent cassette labels including but not limited to Raised by Gypsies favorite Skrot Up.

            There is a pop synth wave quality to the sound of Scammers and I can immediately hear why everyone seemingly likes it so much, or at least the fact that he gets around so much would imply.   It is a lot of fun to listen to and it just makes you want to dance, which is a good quality to have even if you’re not dancing and rather just doing website programming or pimping your brand.  (Posting to Facebook / Sending tweets)

            Some of the larger known bands you could compare this with include Capital Cities (whom I hear everywhere now but still enjoy) and even Blue October, but Scammers still has a sound that can be called their own and doesn’t exactly sound 100% like anyone else.

            I also enjoy this on a lyrical level, as the song “Waterfalls” is not a TLC cover but does mention them quite a bit.  “Manager” also tells the story of anyone who has ever worked in retail, which is a sort of tongue in cheek seriousness that I prefer in my humor/reality.

            Overall, this is just such a great cassette that you need to be rocking it out of your ghetto blaster this summer on the beach.  It’s what I’m told the cool kids will be doing.  

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