Thursday, March 6, 2014

CASSETTE REVIEW: TUMUL “Days of Awe” (Carbon Records)

                We begin with a vocal loop, but I have no idea what is being said.  I don’t even want to wager a guess.   The beat keeps dropping, there is also some pretty sharp feedback.  Then we get into the haunting moans.  Squawking hellos.   Back and forth beeping loops.  We end the first side with crumpled static. 

                The second side picks up where the first left off.   Crumpled static.   Then the vocals come out over the noise.  Inaudible.  Like adults in Peanuts.   We then flow into some neat ascending and descending beeping loops.  I’m not sure if these have a scientific name or not, but I’d like to call them arch loops.  Is that a thing yet?  Can I do that?  Anyone??

                Lasers come on next.  Not your normal musical lasers, but these sound like lasers out of a video game.  We could be shooting Asteroids for all I know at this point, but I am okay with that. 

                At the end, the entire shebang ends with what can only be described as the grand finale of fireworks only for electro-noise.   In with a loop, out with chaos.  This is a lot of fun. 

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