Thursday, April 19, 2018

Music Review:
Philipp Bückle
(Moving Furniture Records)  //
🎧 //

At first this comes through with a quiet, ambient hum.   Some sharpness enters as it begins to have that glass feel to it.   A whooshing begins in the background, which really to me sounds like when that washing machine kicks the spin cycle into high gear.   But it could also be a muted drill.   The sharpness sounds like a beeping, like an SOS distress signal.    Static like a record player now and this song is calm in spite of what cuts out of one ear and all goes to the other.  Yes, this all just jumped from my left earbud into my right.    Slight beeps send the piece to its end.

More angelic ambient tones bring out pianos to start the next song and it feels like heaven.   That slight bit of static comes through but this song just sounds like a bright and sunny day to me.    Dark strings come in with water but I don't want to feel like the rain is putting a damper on this day.   Or have these been strings this whole time and that was what I thought the ambient tones were?    Those strings bring us to a rather sad end.   Buzzing beeps come through next though, as if trying to bring us back to life.   This begins to flicker, somewhere between a lightbulb and a bugzapper sound.   Higher pitched tones come through in a ringing in my ear way to bring the third song to an end, though it flows flawlessly into the next track.

An ohm drone is accompanied by acoustic guitar strums.   This makes me feel a certain buzzing in my head, a certain way that makes things feel wavy and I know if I were to take my earbuds out right now it would have me disorientated.   There needs to be a scientific word for when you switch from what you hear in earbuds/headphones to when you change back to reality because if you're listening to the right thing even silence can feel so powerful.  Static comes through in a dark way and sort of trails off as we depart into the fifth song.

Pianos and frequency whirrs come out in the darkness and this has a definite Nine Inch Nails feel to it.    Static like from a record player (Which I keep typing a lot, so this is going to confuse people since this is on vinyl) comes through with these little shots mixed in that I can't describe but almost sound like a basketball hitting the floor of a high school gym off in the distance.   A cello comes in and this just sounds dark as hell now.    Pianos, strings and running water come out in the next track and I'm wondering how this is going to affect me if I listen to it right before I go to sleep.

There are these notes being sung during this song next, but they only come out like "ah" and they kind of glitch which brings in some sharpness.   it's not something I've heard done as much before as it feels like less something recorded specifically for this song and more like something taken from another existing song and messed around with to create this manipulation.   Singing comes out again to start the next song but it's more like a radio rock song.   Before it could have been that "Eyes Of An Angel" song by Sarah McLaughlin but now it could be something more like Coldplay, being stopped and cut off as it is were being played back on a record. 

This album is just so different, yet still remains ambient somehow, even if at times it is a dark ambient.    It's the type of thing I want to listen to before I go to sleep every night for 30 days in a row and see what I remember each morning of my dreams.    More dark strings and more waves of sadness.    On some level I feel like this has a classical vibe to it.    Static and these tones though also make me think of the old west, like an instrumental Murder by Death.    Pianos and that cello have a definite theme to this album and it's just such a great way in which they work together.    As we near the end I hear a sound which I now feel like is fireworks though I may have mistaken the popping for basketball earlier.   We end with what sounds like the static of some radio station not quite coming through in full and this is quite possibly going to become one of the most understated albums of the year if not ever.  

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