Thursday, April 19, 2018

CD Review: Modern Life Is War "My Love. My Way" (Deathwish Inc.) [Deathwish Inc. 10/$10 #09]

Copy & Paste Intro: One thing we at Raised by Gypsies love is a good deal.   Deathwish Inc. offered up ten compact discs for ten dollars and I could't help but jump on it.   I have received promos from Deathwish Inc. in the past, but between moving and just life in general I'm not sure how many I still have- the only CD I can tell you I still have for certain is by The Dedication.   So take a trip with me, shall you, as I explore ten compact discs for ten dollars.

Back in 2005 I listened to and reviewed Modern Life Is War for the first time with their album "Witness".   I thought it was their first album and as such "My Love. My Way." would have to be one that came after, but the funny thing about that is this album actually was their first one.   It was released on Martyr Records in 2003 and this is a re-release of it I suppose from Deathwish.   

According to Discogs, MLIW released three albums before calling it quits in '08.   I'll have to track down and hear the album "Midnight In America" (shout out to EVR) but then they have an album in 2013 on Deathwish called "Fever Hunting" that I can only assume is a collection of their singles and EPs and such?  I don't know.  I'll track that down eventually too because holy shit "My Love. My Way." has renewed my interested in MLIW. [Editor's Note: "Fever Hunting" is a return for MLIW.  Get your shit together, Discogs!]

With the energy of punk rock and the full onslaught of hardcore music, MLIW has always been one of my favorite bands because they maintain that overall hardcore/punk scene sound but seem to defy the genres found within it (specifically terms like "punk" and "hardcore")   There are as many screams as there are sing along moments and this is just heavy but not in the way you would expect from something which was under the banner of metal.   

Now not only do I want to go and find "Witness" and listen to that again, I also want to track down the two other albums MILW has and listen to those as well.   In that sense, this album did exactly what great albums should do and that is make me want to listen to more music by the band.   It's not being mean just honest to say that a lot of hardcore bands overstay their welcome after one album because all of their songs can sound the same.  I don't think that can ever be said of Modern Life Is War though.

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