Tuesday, April 30, 2013

MP3 REVIEW: The Illegal Wiretaps “Cold Was Her Embrace”

The Illegal WiretapsCold Was Her Embrace
                You can tell that The Illegal Wiretaps have jumped the shark when they begin a career in rapping.   Okay, so maybe they’re not really trying the whole hip hop thing out, per se, but the second song delivers word so quickly it almost seems like it.   It probably just feels that way too because the song is just so violent. 
                This album crosses a very dangerous line between shoegaze and straight up rock n roll, but I like it.   Much like “Near Dark”, this is one of those albums that people will hear and just be blown away by for its pure brilliance.    The songs have vocals and are structured in as typical of a musical pattern as you’ll probably get from this band.
                There is a song on here called “Believe In Ghosts” (Which is also the name of one of their EPs) and it is a cross between mewithoutYou and Eddie Vedder, so think about that one for a little bit.
                “Pillar of Salt” on the other hand is more of a Breakfast Club type song, but yet, it’s somehow got the lyrics about suicide.   Let the record reflect that I’ve always wanted to record fairly upbeat music with really depressing lyrics.
                And the lyrics on this album are top notch as well, right down to the titular line.   “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy… cold was her embrace”.   It gives me goosebumps every time.
                I would say Eff The Critics, but the critics like The Illegal Wiretaps and it’s apparently the fans that need to come around, the casual music listener if you will.   So let’s bring forth this album and force it on the ears of anyone who enjoys listening to music.   This album is out to make a fool of anyone who ever might question the musical capabilities of The Illegal Wiretaps.

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