Florida=Death “x_________________ “
In any event, the first song has this sort of continual banging of a drum like something out of Joseph Conrad with audio clips being played over it. It reminds me of one particular song I heard once by Backstabbers, Inc. but since that’s a sort of out there comparison I can’t say that this is something all too common. The second half of the song gets some lyrics going and it sounds like one of the weirder mewithoutYou songs.
As I’m listening to the second song, I’m immediately wondering why I didn’t do a Song-By-Song-Review, but oh well. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. The actual vocals in this song are like a slowed down version of They Might Be Giants mixed with rusty noise in the background. A little over halfway through this song it gets a little weird and I can’t tell if it’s an audio clip or they’re trying to rap, but either way it doesn’t last long enough for me to really care.
I would assume that Florida=Death because either a) There are a lot of hurricanes there or b) Old people go there to die. Considering that I don’t find natural disasters to be funny in any way (Except in professional wrestling because Typhoon was The Shockmaster, but that’s a bit of nitpicking), I’m going to have to say that this band took its name from the idea that old people love Florida, which is something I do find funny for reasons I can’t define completely.
These are two sort of odd songs, but also they have a certain appeal to them. If I heard a full length by Florida=Death I could give you a more definitive review, but being a mere two songs you can download for free what have you really got to lose?
Find this for free and more by the band at their Band Camp site here:
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