Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Movie Review: Entertainment (2015)

There are two types of movies out there.   Despite what people might believe, they are not labeled so clearly though as "good" movies and "bad" movies.   On the contrary, they are divided by movies which I would watch and movies which I won't watch.   (Though in this case, the "I" could also stand for the collective "you")   For example, the new Ninja Turtles movie coming out this summer is something I will watch because I am a fan and don't care what anyone else says about it while "The Hunger Games" just has no real point of interest to me regardless of what anyone might say about it.

In this way, I feel like it is one of those love/hate relationships which make movies "good" or "bad".   If I am not sure whether or not I want to watch a movie (If something doesn't immediately put me off from wanting to see it) I can be swayed by many people saying it is bad just as easily as I can by many people saying it is good.

Back when "Entertainment" came out I remember seeing articles about it and thought it looked interesting.   I've always enjoyed how Neil Hamburger is doing this Tony Clifton type of thing and so I was excited for this movie.   I then saw it on Netflix as being something I could watch and I got even more excited and knew it would be the next new movie I viewed.

A lot of people on IMDb said a lot of bad things about this movie, though that didn't stop me from watching it.   I have a short list of movies I've seen which are particularly bad and I've also watched enough b-movies to know when something is so bad it's good.    The thing is, there really isn't anything bad about "Entertainment" as it seems to be a just spectacular movie if you understand what is going on.

At one point, the main character is filming this scene by a pool and he just breaks down, starts sobbing uncontrollably.   Some people might watch this movie and see a scene like that and just think: "What the fuck is going on?"    And that's not the only scene of its kind-- there are a few moments like that.

But what people don't understand- and the way that I see it, though I suppose that it could be open to interpretation- is that this stand up comedian has spent decades of his life on the road.   Can you even fathom that?  All that time spent not at home where his child is.  And yet, this is all being crammed into a 90 minute time slot.    So the option here is to either broaden your mind or watch a twenty year long film and I think we both know which is more reasonable.

As close to a documentary as you're going to get, "Entertainment" tells the story of a comedian trying to bring his jokes to the world despite the world thinking they are too good for them.   Though, it then asks the question as to why people go see him if they are not interested in being entertained.   Though I guess I could ask that same question of everyone who gave this movie a poor review.

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