Monday, June 9, 2014

MP3 REVIEW: Pedestrian Deposit “Live at IRP 13” (Invent Room Pop)

                This is a single track, almost sixteen minutes in length and as you can tell by the applause and thanks at the end it was performed live.    Finding these live tracks such as this gives me so much pleasure and one day I’d love to see them collected in a boxed set, preferably on cassette.

                We begin with strings, possibly a cello, and then there is a distinct sound of a door opening and creaking.    It’s not the easiest to place, but then there are some ghost and alien noises, mixed in with the whirrs and whoosh.    The sound then shifts to a scraping noise and all I can visualize is someone trying to escape a locked room.

                Whether put there by force or accidentally trapped shut is for you to decide as the listener, as I have my own theories, but this is a nice piece that I feel represents being trapped in any manner, perhaps buried alive is a good scenario to paint with it.  

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