Friday, October 25, 2013

MP3 REVIEW: Spanish Air “Revival Gardens”

                It’s hard to describe a band like Spanish Air, even on this their second album that I attempting to capture with the written word.   If nothing else, Spanish Air is ambient in the way that they sound, but they are not strictly ambient.   They have a quality that almost switches them over to some sort of instrumental or post rock at times, but for the most part this just makes a room.

                To say this sets a certain mood or fills a void in an otherwise quiet space would be an understatement.   In some ways, the best way to describe them is to say that they are like some sort of air because they are there, everywhere really, but you cannot touch them or place them into a jar or something specific, you know.

                The way that a humidifier makes the air quality of a room better for the people in it, so does this music.   So does this music.  

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