Friday, July 12, 2013

SBSR: Whirr “Around”

<1> “Drain” – We begin with some gently stroked almost acoustic guitar riffs.   Right now, this sounds like something out of a western movie.   Desperado comes to mind.   And now, before the 2:30 mark, we’re kicking in heavy with vocals.   This falls somewhere between Hum and Placebo.    This is somewhere between the lesser known bands of the grunge era and the current bands of the shoegaze era, but it’s melted together so tightly that it doesn’t completely fall into either category.    Nearing the five and a half minute mark and it drops down only to come back up.   This song has passed the 7:30 mark but it doesn’t honestly feel that long to me.   It could also be a slowed down version of Coheed.

<2> “Swoon” – And this song begins with a guitar flurry that caught me off guard.   It’s pulling it back a little bit, but it is still there.   This song could become quite powerful.    The guitar riff has now taken over the static.   And it’s back to the big kick in, only this time with vocals.   Such a beautiful song so far. 

<3> “Keep”  - This song is opening a little bit calmer, but I am just waiting for the storm.   Now, cutting into two minutes and we’re going strong.   This is how songs should kick in, people.   It’s going back and forth from so quiet to so loud so flawlessly.   And we end with quite a bit of distortion, trailing along. 

<4> “Around”  - Right into the next song.   This is coming through quite pretty at the minute mark and I can hear the FNL begin.   At about 1:45 we get vocals.   This song resembles the other, but it does have a different sort of pattern to the music.   And we fade out near seven minutes, but it felt much shorter.  

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