Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SBSR: Old Gray “Demo”

Old GrayDemo
Recently, I’ve been downloading and listening to music like crazy from Band Camp.   This is a review of a group of songs by the same band I got from Band Camp- usually it constitutes an EP.   This is a song-by-song review and it is never to exceed six songs.   At the end, I will tell you the “Recommended Downloading Level”, which means whether or not I think you should spend your time downloading these songs.   It’s on a scale from 1 to 5, 5 meaning that you should stop reading my review and download these songs immediately and 1 meaning that if you even think about downloading these songs your computer will be infected with a horrific bad music virus.   Enjoy.

<1> “Wayward Kids” – We open with something like math rock/indie rock, then we get some screaming/talking ala mewithoutYou, which turns into similar group vocals.   I’m not all sure what just happened there, but it was quite amazing.   The music is fairly non-traditional, and I’d also like to bring out the Kane Hodder reference once again.
<2> “Vulcan Death Grip” – This song starts with a Star Trek audio clip because these guys are apparently a bunch of spocksuckers.   That’s right, I said it.   STAR WARS ALL THE WAY BABY!!  I like the random vocal patterns in this song though.   It kind of makes me feel like I’m on a carousel, or at least spinning.   “Maybe someday you will love me, but I don’t think that I can wait” – such a great sing along line
<3> “Ryan Mitchell Made Me Do It” - Fuck you, Ryan Mitchell.
<4> “Headaches” – And this song proves to me that this is the New Poetry Revolution right here.   Wow, these lyrics are good.   “And despite all my best efforts to analyze the minds of great writers by studying the words they once wrote, I’m no closer to cracking Joyce than I am myself”.
                Yes, yes, download this demo for free or face mass ridicule from your friends or random strangers if you don’t have any friends.   If you’re reading my blog, odds are you don’t have friends.   You also get a neat lyric booklet when you download it.  Do it.  Do it now.
Recommended Downloading Level:  4/5

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