Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cassette Review: Tim Cosner "DEADTECH/MODERNHOMES" (Bonding Tapes)

[$6.06 // Edition of 50 //]

The music of Tim Cosner is something which must be experienced as a whole in order to be fully understood.   There was a time in my life when I would listen to an artist for maybe half of the first song and decide I didn't like it so I'd shut it off and never go back to it.    I realize we're all busy, but at this stage in my life I've given music enough of a chance that I'll listen to an entire album even though it maintains it's cross between Queen and Fun sound that makes me wish I had shut it off at the beginning as my instincts told me to do.   But see, that's just it-- your instincts can sometimes be wrong.   I enjoy every aspect of this cassette but feel that if you only listen to the first few minutes of it you're not seeing the true picture- like eating only the appetizer and not sticking around for dessert.

At first, Tim Cosner crafts beats which are somewhat electronic and they remind me of instrumental hip-hop.   They have that back and forth feel of that "black and yellow" song (It might have been "black and gold", I don't remember) and I'm just left thinking right away that this is going to be an instrumental hip-hop cassette and the way it is sounding has me pleased with that notion.    As vocals come out so does the synth and this begins to take a turn away from that hip-hop feel and really just branch out.    It reminds me of watching one of those capsules you put in water and it expands into some little sponge animal shape.

Through some industrial grind we find our way into a video game type of sound as well and this has already evolved into its fourth genre when the faster beeps come in and it just then decides to be the all around electronic music which it only slightly touched on the edge of at the beginning of the cassette.    Slow grinds bring about beeping patterns and this cassette just has a way of proving you wrong every time you think you've got it figured out on the first listen through and then when you do listen to it after that you have a better idea of what's coming so you can just sit back and appreciate the beauty within it.

If you were to say that Tim Cosner made instrumental hip-hop you would be correct.   Although, you would only be partially correct.     The other genres which Tim Cosner is able to unleash provide us with a multi-faceted work of music the likes of which I have never heard before.   Granted, I have heard similar styles from individual artists in the sense that you can have someone who is instrumental hip-hop, someone who is electronic, someone who is that industrial synth grind and someone who is video game music.   But I just don't recall the last time that I've heard this combination before or if I've even heard it at all before now.  

While other artists tend to take one road- and that's fine, I'm not discrediting their music or its greatness in any way- Tim Cosner takes all of the roads and molds something truly spectacular which simply needs to be heard to believed.    This is the type of cassette where you need to listen to it no matter what type of music you prefer because it's that kind of revolutionary concept that will make people say, "Oh, I don't listen to *that* type of music... except for Tim Cosner".

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