Friday, December 5, 2014

MP3 Review: RAW BLOW "Slow Choke"

[Name Your Price Download //]

This begins fast and hard like Recover meets Trial by Fire.   It has that punk quality to it with hardcore undertones and melody backing it all up.   What's funny is that when I found out about this EP it was being featured on a website and the first song had a lot of listens while the others not so much.   (I made mention of this on social media)

There is nothing about the first song, which happens to be the title track, that makes me think people would listen to it and then not want to hear more so I can only conclude that they were sold and only moved on so that they could purchase the EP as a whole.

Pieces of bands such as Eleventeen and Silent Drive (names I haven't heard or used in a while) come out in these tracks that are the perfect blend of hardcore, punk and indie rock.   I would compare this with A Trunk Full of Dead Bodies but then wonder if anyone would even know what that means anymore.

According to the Bandcamp for RAW BLOW, this is available as a cassette via Social Cancer Records yet as of this writing I can't find it on the Social Cancer Bandcamp page, Store Envy or anything so if you wish to get the cassette (I kind of do) just keep checking back at: and eventually it should show up.   If I ever find it and can buy it before it sells out I will obviously let everyone know.

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