Monday, July 21, 2014


                The title “Strange Daze” makes me think of The Doors, but then the idea of a fox tail makes me think of a raccoon hat, which naturally brings me to Davy Crockett, and thus, I can only imagine in my mind Jim Morrison singing the theme song to that popular hero of The Alamo.    Go ahead.  Take a minute and really let that idea sink in for you.

                When you think of ambient music, you typically think of quieter sounds and thus they don’t tend to be electronic in nature, but I find this cassette to best be described as ambient electro.    It is quiet, sure, on Side A at least, and it has that spaceship synth quality to it as well.   I’m not sure how these two opposite fields clash so well and if you’re reading this you probably think I’m stupid or lying, but it is what it sounds like to me.

                Side B does come off a bit differently though.  Gone are the awkward moments of silence and in come the guitar synth sounds of one of my favorite past hangouts and escape places—Beverly Hills 90210.    

                Does this really make any sense to anyone?  Probably not.   Does it really have to though?  Irrelevant.   It is just awesome. 

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