Wednesday, November 6, 2013

SPOTIFY REVIEW: Bored Nothing s/t

            When I first listened to this self titled debut album from Bored Nothing, I pulled out some EFS, but hey, I tend to hear him in everything.   This is some sort of indie rock, but it is some sort of indie rock unlike what I am used to hearing.   I can’t really compare it to anyone or even so much as say it’s a mix of two existing bands because it’s just such a fresh take on an old genre.

            Though a song like “Just Another Maniac”, for example, can get distorted to the point where it sounds like Weezer, this album doesn’t carry that general vibe nor does it really even sound exactly like that other band. 

            The truly remarkable conquest of the band Bored Nothing is being able to take something that previously exists and has been done so many times over that a lot of bands can have their entire discographies summed up in seven words or less and make it feel new again.  

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