Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SPOTIFY REVIEW: Botany "Lava Diviner"

            This album made me have some weird thoughts.  I don’t know why, but I started thinking about things I’d never considered before and even researched them on Google, only to find that there are no clear answers.

            Don’t ask me why exactly, but I began wondering if someone who was a victim of murder would automatically go to Heaven despite what else was going on in their life.  As it turns out, the complicated answer is no because if you’re a bad person that sort of trumps being killed.

            This somehow ended up with me looking specifically into Jeffrey Dahmer, who was infamous for eating people and then was killed while in jail.   Though he may not have made it to Heaven based upon his act of being killed, I have read several theories now about how while in prison he repented and accepted Jesus, so he might be in Heaven which I find to be a bit… odd.

            How can you spend your life as a serial killer, and then in the last year or so have it all washed away?  Would his victims be in Heaven?   Would their families also go to Heaven eventually, if they were good people and all that?   So how awkward would that be, to go to Heaven and find the guy there who ate your family member?  Can such things happen?

            In any event, Botany as a band is something like Mister Lies, only not.   They are a mashed up and chopped up mostly instrumental weird noise with trippy beats served with a side of fresh.   They have lasers and ooh’s and ahh’s.   Their music is quite good, but more importantly it makes me think about things I’ve never really thought about before for some reason and for that they are genius and inspiring.  

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